Over the last year some friends and I have gotten into long range shooting. We have learned quite a bit about it through online forums and a lot of trial and error but still have a long way to go. I pretty much have the basics down but I am not the guy reading wind and temperature and calculating precision shots. There is one thing I have recently learned about and added to my setup that I can say has made a drastic difference in my long range shooting. It’s called an Anti Cant Device.
Anti Can’t Device:
When you don’t have your gun level when shooting and it’s tilting to the right or left, that’s called CANTING. Below is a diagram to help explain the results of a gun that is CANTING to the right at different degrees.
- Looking at the aim point which is the RED 1 center dot, if your gun is level, in theory, when shot the bullet will travel up to the RED 2 dot and on its way back down will hit your aim point (Center RED 1 dot).
- Looking at the aim point which is still the center RED 1 dot. If your gun has lets say a 20 degree CANT to the right when shot will travel up to the GREEN 3 dot and fall straight down and impact low and to the right (Shown as GREEN 4 dot).
The same would go for the BLUE and BLACK dot pictured. The larger the degree of CANT the further from the aim point your shots will end up. This all has to do with gravity. Gravity affects everything the same and is going to pull your bullet straight down from its peck no matter how its shot. This is most notable in further distance shots. If you’re only shooting 100 yards its not that noticeable, maybe a inch or two with a slight CANT. But if you were shooting 1000 yards lets say with a 6 degree CANT you would be off more than 36 inches from your aim point. Two weeks ago I shot at 600 yards and noticed a similar pattern to the diagram above. After some research I learned about the Anti Cant Device which is a level made for rifle scopes. This prevents you from CANTING to the left or right and your shots are truer. I order one online and put one on my scope and the next time out I was shooting 5 inch groups at 600 yards. Not bad for a beginner. Below is picture of the device on my gun. Fuzz
Buddies taking shots:
Dialing in @ 600 yards
Getting setup for 700 yards
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